Sollen Kompostmieten bis zu einer Höhe von bis zu vier Meter Mietenhöhe schnell und zuverlässig umgesetzt werden, ist der TBU XL die optimale Maschine. Der Umschichtungsvorgang wird platzsparend durch das Abfräsen von Kompost-Flanken und Versetzen des abgetragenen Materials in eine Parallelmiete vorgenommen. Betrieben wird der TBU über die Zapfwelle mit Dreipunktaufnahme eines leistungsstarken Traktors.
Low-maintenance and easy to operate processing machine
Work process in the pull direction and therefore a clear view for the operator
Very good mixing of the outer and inner windrow layers. Secondary shredding of the compost constituents
Fast and easy replacement of the milling tools
Reactivation of the micro-organisms thanks to improved air supply -> Higher quality compost and shorter decomposition time
can process compost heaps up to 4 meters
Approx. 50% more throughput than TBU 3P
Tractor performance to the drive of the TBU XL
Turnable windrow height
Throughput rate
Turning speed
Weight in basic version
Machine length
(bei MAN-Dieselversion)
bei Grünschnitt
(je nach Maschinenoptionen)
zulässige Höchstgeschwindikeit abhängig von Zugmaschine
The TBU XL windrow turner in a strong steel construction with two rigid, heavy-duty wheels at the front and two swivelable rear wheels is hitched up to a powerful tractor and the milling drum is driven by the power take-off shaft of the tractor via a suitable cardan shaft and the compost material discharged. The form and height of the newly stacked parallel windrow can be controlled well with the continuously adjustable discharge flap.
The reinforced, robust castor wheels allow the TBU XL to be used stably even on unpaved areas/places of use
the hydraulic locking option makes it easier to switch between transport and working position.
With the hydraulic sliding frame, the complete TBU XL can be moved hydraulically by up to 30 cm to the side of the towing vehicle.
according to RAL color table
Open for new ideas
Special requests after examining their feasibility
The specified parameters refer to the standard machine. Dimensions and specifications can differ due to equipment options. May not be reprinted or reproduced without our consent.
The basis for a correct spare parts supply is the three-language spare parts list compiled individually for every WILLIBALD machine. If you do not have this, you can order it from us as a PDF file free of charge by stating the appropriate machine number (visible on the type plate of the W°-machine).
In order for us to provide you with the right spare parts at all times, we would ask you generally to state the following information with all inquiries and orders:
This guarantees fast and correct shipment of spare parts and avoids unnecessary returns. Thank you for your kind attention.
Sales Management
Export Sales Management
Spare Parts Sales – Sales Clerk
Both the W° Sales Team and, in the German-speaking sales region Germany/Austria/Switzerland, the respective field sales representative are at your service for all questions and issues concerning the WILLIBALD machine program. In addition, you can contact the local dealers directly in the respective countries with WILLIBALD representation as required. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
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